Outsourcing and Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) offer businesses valuable solutions for managing specific functions or aspects of their operations. Outsourcing involves delegating certain tasks or processes to external service providers who specialize in those areas, such as IT support, payroll processing, or marketing. This allows businesses to access specialized expertise, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies. By leveraging these services, businesses can optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and drive overall success.

Want to grow your business? Here is why you should work with us.
PEOs provide comprehensive HR services, acting as co-employers to handle HR administration, compliance, employee benefits, and risk management. PEOs offer businesses access to HR expertise, cost-effective benefits packages, and assistance in navigating complex employment laws. Both outsourcing and PEOs offer flexibility, scalability, and the opportunity to optimize resources, enabling businesses to enhance efficiency, drive growth, and achieve their goals.
Premium Benefit Plans
HR support, cost-effective options that focus on the following:
- Core Competencies
- Employee Benefits at competitive rates
- Risk Management and Compliance

Do you want to learn more about PEO Services and get familiar with the language? Visit the PEO Resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who benefits from using PEO services?
Many small business owners are able to benefit from the services provided by a competent and knowledgeable PEO service. General Contractor Solutions handles many different types of companies, industries and sizes ranging from small one man operations to relatively large accounts. However, each and every business receives the same level of professionalism and individual support!
How does partnering with a PEO benefit businesses?
Partnering with a PEO offers several benefits, including access to HR expertise, cost-effective employee benefits packages, risk management support, assistance with compliance, administrative efficiency, scalability, and employee relations support. PEOs allow businesses to focus on core operations while relying on the PEO’s specialized HR services and support.
Here are some of the items a PEO provider is able to handle on your behalf:
* Payment of wages and compliance with the rules and regulations governing the reporting and payment of federal and state taxes on wages paid to employees including social security, Medicare and Federal income tax.
* State unemployment taxes and Workers Compensation
* Employment laws and regulations including federal, state, and local discrimination laws, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, ADA, FMLA, HIPAA, Equal Pay Act, and COBRA.
Are PEOs only for small businesses?
Some assume that PEOs are only for small businesses that lack the resources to handle their own HR functions. However, PEOs can be beneficial for companies of all sizes, including medium and large organizations. As companies grow, so do the complexities of their administrative and compliance needs. In many cases, companies find that the expertise required and the associated expense are better outsourced than kept in-house.
How does the process of contracting with Payroll Consultants for PEO services work?
We begin by working directly with each and every business owner to compare the best suite of services that will fit the needs of your company. Payroll Consultants negotiates on your behalf for the very best rates and services while making sure you understand the pro’s and con’s for each option. Is Payroll Consultants able to handle my out of state needs?
Yes! In fact, Payroll Consultants operate in 41 states and is able to place even those difficult industries that others cannot! Payroll Consultants provides a single point of contact for all of your small business needs even across multiple states.
How can my staff benefit from using PEO Services?
Your employees benefit from professional human resource services, training, employee manuals, safety services and improved communications. Depending upon your specific needs a PEO can also provide employees with an expanded employee benefits package that includes a 401(k), life insurance, disability insurance, discount plans, a flexible spending plan and comprehensive benefits. In fact, by contracting with Payroll Consultants, you and your employees may be able to obtain affordable, comprehensive benefits including health insurance, dental and vision care, life insurance, retirement saving plans, job counseling, adoption assistance, and educational benefits!
What is a PEO Broker?
Payroll Consultants is a PEO Broker which means that we work closely with a wide variety of service providers to make sure you – as a small business owner – have access to all of the best services and solutions available. We can save you time, money and energy by matching your needs to the services of different providers throughout the country even for hard to place industries like construction! What’s more, Payroll Consultants is able to provide a level of continuity as your business continues to grow. By partnering with Payroll Consultants, we get to know you and your business while providing a single point of contact for all of your needs both today and tomorrow! There is no cost or obligation to speak to a Payroll Consultants representative.
Will I lose control of my business?
No, absolutely not! You retain full ownership and control over the operations of your company. Think of a PEO as a partner in your success! As co-employers the PEO and your company contractually share employer responsibilities and liabilities with the PEO typically assuming responsibility for administration, payroll, taxes and benefits. You continue to have responsibility for worksite safety and compliance. Depending upon your business type and needs, various levels of involvement may be contracted. Consult with a Payroll Consultants representative for specific information related to your industry and needs. It’s FREE and there is no obligation to speak to a representative.
What are the average costs for a PEO?
PEO costs vary based on business priorities, number of employees, size of payroll, and workers’ compensation claim history. There’s also significant price variation across providers. There is a lot of value associated with PEOs. According to research by the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), PEO clients save 21% on administration costs. Their HR and risk management support helps their clients maintain compliance and avoid penalties, while also reducing their risk of costly lawsuits. In addition, PEOs negotiate lower rates on benefits and insurance through economies of scale. Although there are costs associated with PEOs, they typically save their clients’ money in the long run.
Ready to speak with a rep? Call our team of experts to receive a free quote! Have a few questions first? The call is free!