One sure sign of an exceptional individual is someone who has the love, respect and admiration of his long-time co-workers and clients. Mike Martin is one of those truly exceptional individuals. As a recently retired Senior Business Consultant at Payroll Consultants (PC), Mike’s influence and commitment to excellence still serve as an inspiration for all of his former business associates and clients.
In retirement, Mike is living his dream on a 6-acre farm in Lithia, happy and content. However, he is still loyal to his customers, his former co-workers and to the company, PC, where he worked for close to 20 years. Over the years Mike created so much trust and mutual loyalty with his customers and affiliated agents that his services are still in demand, and he continues to consult with them and helps them with their business needs. “I always went above and beyond for the customer, treating them as I would want to be treated and in doing so, I’ve made a lot of friends, and I have customers who have been with me for over 30 years. One of those customers became my best friend, and when he was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident, I stepped up to help his wife manage and grow the business that they had shared together,” stated Mike. He continued, “My philosophy in business and in life is, do the right thing, be fair, honest and respectful of others. When asked for advice by my co-workers, I emphasized the importance of good faith listening to the customer so that you can really uncover and process appropriately what their challenges are, then do everything in your power to help them. If you make a mistake, it’s how you handle that mistake that will set you apart and build trust. A lot of times, we are the difference as to whether or not someone can move forward with their business. If there’s something you can’t help a customer with, go the extra mile, do the research and stick with them until you put them in the direction of someone who can help them.”
All of this and more are the reasons that Mike’s co-workers and clients place him at the top of the list of exceptional people and have nothing but wonderful things to say about him. “You really can’t say enough in praise for Mike,” said PC owner, Frankie VanDeboe. “I first met Mike when he hired me to work at the largest staff leasing company of it’s time. Mike was the regional manager and I remember being so impressed with his mild mannered, positive approach to the business and to life. He taught me all about the leasing business and what’s more, he taught me the importance of having balance in life, like taking time for a break or vacation from work from time to time. When Mike gave notice of his resignation from that company, I watched and really respected the way he handled it. I’ve never seen anyone work so hard, even though he was leaving in two weeks. Years later, when I was running my own company, I knew that Mike, with his outstanding work ethic, expertise, and character, was ideal for a consultant position within the company and I fortunately was able to recruit him to come on board.”
As a highly organized, calm, clear thinker who loves to help others, Mike Martin has been a role model to his co-workers who have all worked together for 18 – 20 years and share his commitment to integrity and helping others.
“I honestly feel that there is no question that Mike couldn’t answer,” said PC Business Consultant and former co-worker, Samantha Hagy. “Mike’s knowledge of the ins and outs of business, along with his calm, grounded nature, make everyone he deals with comfortable and confident. He understands the complex operations of large corporate businesses all the way down to the most basic of businesses. I’ve learned a great deal from him over the years, and I’m so grateful to him.
“Mike is a natural at finding commonality with people. Regardless of a business owner’s industry, where they’re from, their manner of speaking, interests, or personality, Mike seems to build instant rapport with most anyone. He’s a salt-of-the-earth guy who likes to help people. It would be hard not to like him.” stated former co-worker, Victor Sofia, PC Business Consultant.
“I had been the general manager of a car dealership before coming to work at PC. I was trying to learn the business when I first met Mike. At first, I wasn’t sure about him, but after working with him for a short while, I could see something very special in him. I noticed that Mike never seemed stressed or too busy to help others around the office, yet he was putting a great deal of business on the books. So, one day, I went into his office and asked him, “What is it that you’re doing, you make this look so easy? Mike helped me by giving me a wealth of valuable information. He guided me through it. He’s an excellent communicator. We’ve enjoyed a very good relationship ever since. He’s a great guy,” stated former co-worker, Gary Rifkin, PC Senior Business Consultant.
“I’ve always been so very impressed with Mike as a hardworking, knowledgeable, talented, yet beautifully humble human being. Although he has retired, he remains a loyal friend and stays in touch with all of us. He occasionally brings us fresh, delicious eggs, from his farm, which we appreciate so much that for Christmas last year, we all pitched in and ordered him his own signature egg cartoons,” stated co-worker, Joan Serravalle, PC Business Consultant.
The respect Mike’s co-workers have for him is mutual and he loves and appreciates each one of them as well as his time spent at PC. Today, he is living life up on the farm surrounded by family and friends, with 3 cows, 40 chickens, and 4 dogs, and Life is Good…For a Very Well Deserving Man!