In the world of business services, when it comes to effectively and efficiently helping business owners navigate through the challenges they face and the questions that they have, Kacie Swann is a real stand out! Kacie is the Vice President of the Simple Insurance Division of Payroll Consultants, a company that has been helping the business community for over 20 years with needs ranging from Insurance, Payroll, and Employee Benefits to PEO Services and much more.
Kacie is well known for her strong orientation toward customer satisfaction, and she never fails to impress her clients with the speed and effectiveness with which she’s helped to find solutions to some of their most challenging circumstances.
Co-workers are quick to acknowledge Kacie as a clear, calm, and logical thinker. “She never lets a challenge get the best of her. She sees problems as opportunities, believes there is always a solution, and knows where to find and how to utilize the right resources to achieve desired results. No challenge is too big or too small. She has a true honest caring for others and a deep desire to contribute to the success of her client’s businesses. When a client calls her with a question or a need, she does not procrastinate, she jumps right on it and does not stop until she has satisfied that need.”
According to Frankie Vandeboe, owner of Payroll Consultants, “Kacie’s clients have consistently sought her advice and trusted her ability to help. She has a no-nonsense approach to life and business, I’ve never seen her get upset, she never makes a client wait, she calls back right away, she’s always available, it’s remarkable! One week, I received calls from 5 different business owner, all different sizes of businesses, to let me know how much they love Kacie and appreciate working with her.”
“There’s a saying, ‘If you really love what you do, you never work a day in your life’. I think that is very fitting for how I feel about my work helping business owners”, said Kacie. “I’m a bit of a workaholic. I recall taking calls from clients on my honeymoon, and while I was in labor”, she laughed. “I’m a stickler for first-class customer service and for always doing the right thing. That’s one of the things that I love about working with Virtual Business Services, it’s all about doing the right thing for our client’s.”
Kacie is a native Floridian, born in Tampa Bay and grew up in Crystal River where she loved being near or on the water. She is a graduate of Florida State University and is a huge sports fan! She especially loves to cheer on her alma mater, FSU, as well as The Tampa Bay Rays and The Tampa Bay Lightning. She adores her family and she and her husband are expecting their second child. She loves her life here in Florida and treasures her profession helping people succeed with Payroll Consultants.